Wednesday, 29 April 2015

4 Ground Fabled Realms, Mordanburg Damaged house 3. Mordheim ruins

With the light being so poor this week I have decided to crack on with building more terrain rather then strain my eyes with painting.

Wanting to break into the loot I had bought at Salute, I decided to break open the 4 Ground, Mordenburg, damaged Highstreet house, 03.

About an hour later I ended up with this.......

With sausage fingers like this I will never play the piano


Sorry I mean this ....

On the whole the kit fitted together well and looks the part once constructed. I really like the fact you can break it up into two bits or mix and match it with other 4 Ground bits.

Only problem is the price. £26 for some bits of lazer cut MDF seems a bit extreme with me. Especially considering the lack of packaging etc which usually bumps up the price.

I would love to have more of the stuff but cannot excuse the expense. Especially when the home built stuff costs pennies by comparison.

Figure I will carry on with the scratch built stuff and maybe put some of this stuff on my Christmas wish list.


  1. Looks fab...but you're right, your scratch built piece fits in perfectly and costs nowhere near.

    1. I might have to nick your idea and start using aquarium decor from amazon!

  2. Looks good!

    But I have to agree with the price.
    TT Combat MDF stuff is practically the same and at a quarter of the price.

    But I'm looking forward to using it :)

    1. your absolutely right!

      I picked up a TT Combat bridge up at Salute for £3 and a gallows for £2! How can you argue with that!

  3. Looks very nice indeed, and I really like how you can mix and match the sections. 4Ground is expensive though. I like Sarissa, comes unpainted but about half the price.

    1. funnily enough I had a look at their stuff at salute but any of the bits I was interested in were sold out. What does that tell you?


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