Sunday, 30 June 2019

Saturday night fights: Path to Glory, Desecration of Sigmar!

The 'Path to Glory' (or damnation) continued for Shaggy, Lee and I this weekend during our  . . . . .

Game one would see the three Aspiring Champions raiding an Imperial settlement while under the control of a more powerful Chaos Lord.

In the pillaging after breaching the walls the three Champions come across a Chapel of Sigmar being protected by a cadre of Warrior Priests and their apprentices.

Each Warrior Priest is worth 2 'infamy' IF slain by an Aspiring Champion and if there is only one warband left standing at the end they get 2 D3 infamy for burning the Chapel down at the end of 8 turns.

Will the truce forged between the Warbands during the raid last?

More after the break.

Immediately Lee Spurs on his mount and charges the nearest Priest!

Nurgle take a more measured approach.

Two of Lee's three Trolls just sort of stumble about!

The Khornites circle the prey (but who's the prey?).

The Warrior Priests rush to defend their Chapel!

One of Lee's Trolls flees for it's life . . . . .

 . . . . .Then remembers it's 'immune to psychology' and comes back 😂

"Opps sorry boss!"
The forces of Nurgle attack!

The Khornites continue to circle the prey (but who's the prey?).

My Blood Letters boil with rage.

Lee continues his rampage through the Warrior Priests while my Blood Letters watch on.

The carnage around the Chapel continues!

Finally 'Skull' unleashes his forces . . . . .


The Blood Letters target the Aspiring Champion of Slannesh with their killing blow.

My 'Dogs of War' try to force their way through to the Nurgle Aspiring Champion!

Blood for the Blood God and all that!

True to form Nurglings start to flee as their companions are slain.

My Herald leads the charge towards the Nurgle Champion.

But the combined force of the Warrior Priests and followers of Nurgle decimate my forces!

My Blood Letters also bounce off the forces of Slannesh!

Even 'Skull' fails to lead by example 😓

and is then taken out of action.

Lee then chases down the last of my warband to earn even more infamy!

Having sliced through my Warband like a hot knife through butter Lee spurs on his mount into the remaining Imperial forces!

Lee clears the field.

The Nurgle Aspiring Champion decides 'discretion is the better part of valor' and elects to flee rather then take on the nearly fully manned Slannesh warband.

As the infamy is tallied at the end Lee has managed to rack up an incredible 24 infamy!!

This see's Lee cashing in his infamy during the post game rolls to be awarded the 'Eye of the Gods' award three times!

This gives Lee's leader 'Daemonic invulnerability' (a 5+ ward save), fear, and 1+ wound and attack!

This also leaves Lee only needing to roll the 'Eye of the Gods'; result only one more time to be transformed into a Daemon Prince.

One more win after that and he has won the Campaign!

And we still have the seond game of the evening to go!!


  1. Great looking game and table Riot!

    1. Cheers. It was also a really fun scenario to play.


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