Monday, 30 October 2017

By da skin of me teef. George Orkwell, my Orctober entry!

I was going to give Orctober a miss this year but then the clocks went back and I decided to put the extra hour to good use.

Now this fella was not completed in an hour as I started him bloody ages ago!

However with finally nailing down a decent triad for painting black cloth I decided his time had finally come!!

"Like deep thoughts and stuff, innit."

George ORKwell was always considered thoughtful by his peers . . . . in that he had once considered having a thought!

He could often be seen staring off into the distance thinking about the lot of the average Ork and how teef could be shared more fairly among the mob.

What really brought George Orkwell to prominence among the stars was his seminal works; 'Animal WAAARGHHHHH!!!!!, and Homage to Orkatonia.

Now the numbers

Miniatures painted / sold this year = 220

Miniatures bought136

332 miniatures to go


  1. Great character ! And that's quite a toll on the leadpile !

    1. Thanks. I loved the look of George the second I saw him.

      I have really cracked into the leadpile but I just wished I would stop buying more miniatures!

      There is still at least two more Shadespire warbands and Neromunda to come out this year!!!

  2. I love the idea of a thoughtful Ork! Brilliant job Sir.

    1. Thanks so much. The sculpt just seemed to scream 'drifting off into the distance'.

      Makes a nice change from your average ork.

  3. I enjoyed his bookz "Squig Farm" and "The WAAAAGH to Wigan Pier".

    1. Ah yes . . . . the planet of 'Wigan pier' never did recover ;0)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks man. Only took 3 years to finish!!

  5. Have always loved the writing of Orkwell, The Squig and the Wyvern: Destructivism and the Orc Genius, being my favourite :-)
    Lovely painted miniature Riot.

    1. I never realized George Orkwell had such a large following! ;0)

  6. Excellent figure, very characterful :-D

    1. Thanks. Most of the work was done by the excellent sculpt.

  7. He looks very similar to a bolt action german officer mini i have. (But yet to paint)
    Love him mate. He has tonnes of attitude and i like that in an ork.

    1. Thanks. I like that Kromlech took a chance and did not just pump out another atypical Ork.
      This mini has so much character I just had to buy it.


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