So I am skint at the moment and I mean really skint!
Summer is a crappy time for toy sales at the shop before the Christmas rush, we have had a MASSIVE amount of building work done on the house and the summer was spent at several holiday camps due to the profusion of dust, builders and disruption at the house.
All this comes at a time when Jesus George introduces us all to Saga. Typical!
I want in but as you can see from
this post I cannot excuse buying another load of miniatures! This has to be cheap and I mean SUPER CHEAP.
First things first SAGA dice.
I would love to support Gripping beast on this one but there is no way I can excuse £12 for some die.
I quick trip to ebay and thats 10 blank die for £2.10 !
The Gripping Beast forums provide printable sheets where you can cut and stick the symbols on but I found these tend to fall off mid - game ("of course I rolled 6 rares! Honest Guv."), which is far from ideal.
In the end I pull out the brushes and 15 min later, voila!
thats £2.10 baby! |
The hardest thing about this is not painting extra "rare" symbols on to give my self an unfair advantage. One spray of varnish and their all done.
8 Saga die plus two spares for £2.10. RESULT!
Next figures.