Tuesday, 1 September 2020

More legends of the Old West


Having fled to the hills; the Duke licked his wounds and plotted his revenge . . . . . 

Upon hearing that 'The Duke' was holed up in a farmstead in the hills the Lawmen decided to end his reign of terror for good.

Little did they know they were too late and a bunch of desperadoes had already convened in the grounds of the log cabin.  

Realising the Lawmen had split up to cover all escape routes the outlaws make their move.

The Outlaws wary of the reputation of Wyatt Earl and his deputies decide to break out on mass towards the less fearsome vigilantes . . . . 

The Vigilantes realising they are desperately outnumbered try to withdraw to the safety of the rocky outcrops.

The Outlaws brave the incoming flying lead to close in on the Vigilantes . . . . . . Who are mercilessly gunned down!

With the Lawmen taking 50% casualties the Outlaws focus their fire on the Almighty Wyatt Earp!

Despite the presence of Earp the Lawmen fail their 'Head for the hills' test and realising they have lost the element of surprise flee back to town!


Hang 'em high!

The Duke decides to make a statement of intent and rides into Largo to hang the captured Lawman; Doc!

The citizens of Largo are forced out of their homes to watch.

The Outlaws give a ultimatum to the Lawmen, "Come and get 'im".

Despite the odds the Lawmen decide to try to recuse their brother in arms.

The Outlaws rush to the city limits and Shepard the citizens to the fore to use as cover!

The Lawmen desperately try to run the blockade to rescue Doc in time.

The outlaws focus their fire on the less robust vigilantes and once again the Lawmen fail their 'head of the hills test' and flee with their tails between their legs leaving 'Doc' to his fate!

Game three

High Noon

Burning with shame the last five Lawmen decide to make into town and gun down 'The Duke' to end his reign of terror.

The two posses race towards each other down the main strip.

With the greater numbers the Outlaws start to encircle the desperate Lawmen.

The streets are filled with lead and the citizens of Largo flee in panic!!

The Outlaws spring their trap!!

Wyatt Earp is the only Lawmen left standing but is gunned down in a cannonade of lead in the lawless streets of Largo!!

I love the Legends of the old west rule set. It is fast play, cinematic and satisfying.

What's not to love!!


  1. Certainly was fun reading through your batreps mate. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Brilliant stuff Riot! Great looking table and some really fantastic brushwork on the models 😀
    There was one civilian model that looks to be carrying a sign over his shoulders, the back says "for you", what does the front say?!

    1. Thanks man. The front reads "The end of nigh"


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