Monday 20 April 2020

April Update

Somehow this miniature seemed appropriate.

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well.

April update after the break.

First up the family and I went dungeon crawling via 'Silver Tower'.

This time the trial of metal.

 Much hacking and slaying ensued.

Before finding the final chamber ( I only use 3 explorer cards).

It all kicks off in the final chamber but the heroes are victorious.

With Thredda finished I crossed the 'Wild Hunt' off the list.

Another game which got a run out with the family was 'King of Tokyo'.

A great monster 'mash-up' game.

The wife and Kids also underwent the 'trial of life' via Silver Tower.

 Many, many Grotlings were slain!

And the n the Heroes got greedy . . . . . .

 . . . . and were ambushed while searching the room!

The wife got daggers when she started peeling an orange all over the game 😡

After she had gone and washed her hands the carnage continued.

The hereos discover the final chamber.

And massacre the inhabitants.

I continued to pull random stuff out of the lead pile to finish.

This time an OPP Foundry 'Nort Trooper' from their old 2000AD range.

I also finished a Reaper miniatures, female, troll off for my upcoming Chaos Troll army.

This also turned up in the post . . . . .

It was originally scheduled to be released on Feb 14th but just glad to have it.

So now we have the full set.

Being in a silly mood I had Dr. C. Ovid meet up with freinds despite the social distancing.

This actually ended up on the Foundry Miniatures Instagram feed which is cool.

This segways nicely into the reminder I am now on Instagram under 'Riotville'.

I am posting regularly and unlike most of the people I promise not to show you my bum 😏

Stay safe and hopefully this will all be over soon.


  1. Another busy looking month! Loving the meet up with Dr. C. Ovid. :D

  2. Wow, you are certainly making the most out of the quarantine!

    1. I've got to take some positives out of this mad situation.

  3. Some great family gaming fun there - how does King of Tokyo fare? Me and the boy are massive Godzilla fans and I've been eyeing that one up for some time.

    Good to see both the Doc and the Noort are wearing the proper PPE!

    1. It's fun. The game mechanics are easy and the kids love rolling the chunky dice. Once you get the basics down the upgrade cards REALLY take the game to another level. Fully recommended.


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