Monday, 11 November 2019

Saturday night fights. Beastgrave

No Saturday night fight this Saturday but it does give me a chance to blog a game from the previous week.

More after the cut.

The board is set full frontal!

Lee decides to take the fight to the Despoilers with his leader . . . . .

 This proves to be a costly mistake as my Beast men hack down Crakmarrow with wild abandon.

The Beast men then take the fight to the leaderless Ghouls.

The Ghouls try to launch a counter attack . . . . . .

 . . . . but my rampant Beastmen hack down the Ghouls as they surge forward.

This sees the Beastmen romp home the victors in game one 12 glory to 4!

Game two

Game two is a very short, sharp affair!

Lee is much more canny with his leader and general deployment.

This means I struggle to get the alpha strike.

Lee takes game 2. 15 glory to 9.

With a game apiece we play the decider.

Lee charges into my territory!

Despite this distraction tactic the Beastmen surge into the Ghoul territory to stop them 'inspiring'.

 By focusing down on Ghouls which Lee cannot resurrect I manage to open up an assassination run on the Ghoulish leader.

This sees me take the final game and therefore the victory 15 glory to 7.

The new warband is up for pre-order next week so I can't wait to see what the new Goblins bring to the game! 

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