On the night of Geheimnisnacht, the night of mysteries when Morrslieb hangs full in the sky any warbands traveling the night must run the gauntlet to survive the night!
The scenario was designed to give Shaggy and I a chance to boost the numbers of our warbands before the big show down with Lee next time we met up.
The set up was the same as 'Clash of dawn' with the battle field divided into 4 quadrants. I roll of the die decides where your figure sets up.
On the roll of a D6 to decide the turn D3 +1 warpstone meteors would land on the battle field. Any humanoid figure within 2" of the meteor at the start of their turn takes a leadership test. If they fail the test they devolve into a Spawn!
As Morrslieb reveals itself from behind a cloud and reveals the battle field with both warbands intermingled in the darkness!
Both warbands immediately charge each other!
I decide to try to dominate the centre of the field and consolidate my forces.
The action is fast and furious and at the end of turn one both warbands are already decimated!
I do my best to target any of the elements of the Nurgle warband which could devolve into a Spawn.
The warpstone meteors crash to earth at the end of the first turn and any buildings hit are automatically destroyed. Any figures under the template must pass a initiative roll to avoid D6 strength 10 hits!!
At the end of turn one when the meteors land both warbands need to take bottle tests.
The race is now on to get as many 'chaff' units as possible within 2" of the meteors to try to ramp up the number of Spawn!
Figures must stay one entire turn within 2" of the warpstone in order for the effects to take effect so immediately anyone within range of the meteors have a massive target on their back.
Unfortunately by the end of the third turn I bottled and no one ended up with any spawn.
An epic game two still to come.
Fun looking game! Loved the meteors aspect - a shame no spawn popped up. :(
ReplyDeleteThanks man. We were really bummed no spawn turned up :0(
DeleteJust wonderful! Fabulous fun.
ReplyDeleteCheers man. It was a fun night of rolling dice.