Tuesday, 25 April 2017

So I think I have finally gone bonkers!!

So last week I found myself painting a real rock to make it look MORE like a rock!!!

Even as I was painting it I was having a monolouge with myself about how mental it was so I can't be completely gone.

BUT is it just me or does it just look better?

Unfortunately there is no way I can add this to my painting total for the year. . . .can I?

By the way this is not my post Salute Ta - DAAAAAA!


  1. Painting rocks, "rock-colour".... yes, quite mad.

  2. Loads better in my opinion, far more character, your facalties have not been impared at all :-) (well not much)

  3. Haha! I've had that discussion with folks, explaining that painting the little rocks and talus on bases makes them look more like rocks than leaving them unpainted. Definitely has to do with the scale of the shading, the real rock in human scale suddenly looks like a boulder in miniature scale, especially once you get other scale models or terrain next to it!

    That said, guess that makes me a little mad too... Haha!

    1. See. . . . I knew I was right.

      Now I just have to go into the garden and organise the stones 1n order of size and put them on a spread sheet!!

  4. The rocky certainly looks more 'rock-y' now!

    1. Before you know it you will be painting up rocks of your own!!

  5. I tend to give rocks a dark wash and a drybrush to make them look more real, but leave most of natural colour. Anyway I agree, they definitely need something

    1. That's what i love about the internet . . . you realise your not the only one. . now the question is, is that a good thing? ;0)


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