Monday, 6 March 2017

First tentative step on my 'Path to glory'

Lee's beautiful Slaanesh warband

Sunday was a bit of a game fest with THREE games squeezed in!!

One of the three games was a taster game against Lee to see how 7th edition 'Path to Glory' would play out with 8th edition rules?

It turned out really, REALLY badly!!

What we found out was magic is massively overpowered for this type of skirmish game!!

Basically my Pink Horror decimated Lee's warband before it blew itself to pieces.

Then my Ogre run down and killed his aspiring champion!

Well I am glad we found that out before we kick off for real next week.

Now plans are afoot to nerf magic (maybe revisiting 7th edition for that one!)

Looks like this is going to end up a real mish mash of rules but then again it is chaos!!


  1. Back to the drawing board then, but I love Lee's Warband - wow!

    1. As soon as Lee put them on the table I was like . . .WOW!

      I can't wait to see the other warbands.

  2. Will be looking on in envy and interest to see what you come up with :-)

    1. I would not be too envious. Chances are we will all get pissed off with the rules and each other within 4 weeks!!

  3. Go back to 3rd Ed where it's cooler and less balanced.... you know you want to. :)

    1. This is the point where I have to hang my head in shame and admit I have only ever played 8th!
      I could not afford enough miniatures to make an army as a kid and could only afford to play their games when they made the £20 box sets like Bloodbowl, Space Hulk and Dark Future.

      My lot are already struggling with the random tables with this version let alone the unbalanced forces that are rolled up on the original RoC books ;0)

    2. No shame there mate. I only ever played 3rd and then stopped. But I do loves me some massed random table rolling...

    3. Have to be honest I do love myself a pre and post game randon table. It's one of the reasons I love Mordheim.


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