Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Wargaming and giggling my tit's off. 1850 point WHF battle.

Look amazing but can't hit for shit!!!

Last sunday I once again managed to get over to Lano's to get in a game of Warhammer Fantasy (8th edition).

Lano had had a nightmare 24 hours when his misses decided to pour boiling hot water over his hand and then he had an absolute nightmare of a game with me.
We both set up our full 1850 points as a test run for Riotville LIVE on the 5th of Febuary.

Apart from my Gnobblers I only have two miniatures left to paint!!

Lano set up his own 1850 points of High Elves. He only has a unit of Archers to finish.

Orange and turquoise . . . . it should not work but it does!!

My Iron blaster makes it's first run out. Hopefully he will show the Empire boys how it's done.

Lano runs his Elves forward and bunker down in the forest.

I decide to run my 'Gutstar' and Mournfangs round the flank to avoid being whittled away by Elven fire.

I decide to use my Ironblaster and Leadbelchers to create a killing field in the centre. I figure I am bringing a knife to a gun fight in trying to outshoot the Elves but hopefully my toughness 4 will help me weather the storm!

Now thats how you roll to wound!!!!

Lano's Phoenix charges into my Gnobblers. At this point they have done their job and protected the Ogres!

Now that's how you don't roll to hit!! He only had to roll 2's.

Over of the left flank Lano commits his Chariot into my Mournfangs. I fail all my 4+ regeneration rolls.

To add gravy Lano also fails his dangerous terrain test when charging my Trappers. I was smiling at this point!

My Ironblaster lines up a shot on the beautifully painted Phoenix and makes it disappear in a puff of feathers and cannonballs! 

So that's what a cannon is supposed to do!

I figure my Ogre Bulls are not going to last much longer so march them forward so my Firebreather can gulp down it's Hellheart and causes the Elf Mage to drop 3 levels!!

What a great 50 point spent.

Lano blasts two of the Bulls to smithereens which causes them to bolt for the back table edge. This is great for me as it gets them out of the danger zone and I might get a chance to rally them later in the game.

My last Gnobbler stands his ground against the snotty Elves.

The Elves finally finish off the Gnobbler and Lano tries to over run into my fleeing Bulls. To add to his misery he only rolls 4" and JUST misses out on my boys!!

At this point I might have started giggling.

My Ironblaster makes a bead on the Elven Chariot and this also disappears in a puff of splinters and black powder!

So far he is two for two. I hope my Empire crews are taking notice.

The battle has pretty much pivoted on a point.

Both our battle buses are still fully manned.

My Ironblaster now lines up a shot on the High Elf swordmasters. . . . . .

and so does my Leadbelchers . . . . .

and then unload with both barrels into the Swordmasters, causing them to bolt for the back table edge (on leadership 9!).

The Battle buses finally lock horns . . . . .

. . . . and I rip the pointy eared little snobs to pieces!

Oh we're not finished yet!

Now I am laughing!

I decide to also charge in my Ironblaster and Leadbelcher.

Photo porn!

The impact hits decimate the Elf archers!

And they then turn their attention on the last Elves.

With all the Elves hacked to pieces my last Leadbelcher nonchalantly slings his firearm over his shoulder and surveys the carnage!!

Only my second victory of Warhammer Fantasy against Lano the smiling assassin in 4 years.

I do remember apologising at least twice for the outrageous rolls I was pulling off against his horrific rolls but it's hard to remember though all the crying with laughter!!


  1. Great game to read about and it looked really cool too with all those painted minis on the table.

    Your ogres had a field-day!

    1. Thanks man. One benefit of playing Lano is that the armies look amazing.

      The down side is that I normally end up getting my arse handed to me on a plate.

      This time I just got lucky.

  2. Wonderful! What a great game and clearly a lot of fun.

    1. It was a lot of fun for me if not Lano.

      Congrats on having your pictures published in 'Pikemans lament'. They look great.

  3. Smashing game, looked tremendous, lovely armies :-)


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