Tuesday, 2 September 2014

September painting shelf

This post is mostly out of habit as it looks like my painting is going to screech to a halt for a while.

Somehow I have managed to land a post teaching 15 year old autistic kids in a position which never really existed before.

Originally only only went in to have a look at a PE post.

Obviously with starting it all from scratch means many evenings in front of the computer researching schemes of learning rather than blogging and painting.

I have noticed a number of blogs I follow are by teachers who put themselves on a hobby hiatus this time of year and it looks like I am going to have to follow suit.

I am going to keep the SSGC going so I will still get in at least one game a week. But what with this and my house still looking like a building site my only possible painting priority for this month is Magnus and a renegade for the Armory gaming club Warmachine journey man league.

The good news is it looks a lot emptier then last time.

Skinheads Bombardiers are all finished and I just need to finish off a couple of Boyz for the Leatherheads.

My Empire Spearman Standard bearer is well and truly finished and thats my 1500 points finished for "the tale of 4 gamers"

I have also painted 4 of those God awful "Willy"Bloodbowl miniatures for my Brother and will post them when finished.

Bad news is I only completed ONE of my primary targets.

Magnus and a Renegade (fingers crossed).

Its a shame is if I ever need to turn to painting as an escape it would be now.

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