Tuesday 7 May 2019

Bank Holiday Saturday night fights

With this being the Bank Holiday weekend Riotville was a full house with four participants.

Lee's gorgeous freshly painted warband!
More after the break

Phil was the first to arrive so while we waited for the others to arrive we decided to throw down.

After my spanking last week I decided to pull out the Liberators and my 'Alpha' deck.

This would see me advancing aggressively to assassinate the Warden.

Phase two I strike!

In my excitement I forget I have 'Twist the knife' in my hand which means I fail to dispatch the Warden this phase.

Despite this I still manage to take the first game 14 to 9.

At his point Lee and Shaggy had arrived and were playing their first game so Phil and I decided to throw down for round two.

Once again this will see me advance aggressively and I manage to alpha strike the Warden in the first phase!

The rest of my Warband charge up in support.

Despite losing the Warden Phil starts to take a toll on my Liberators!

Until only Angarad is left standing!

Phil manages a three objective sweep and I see I am up 10 glory to 9 so I reach forward to shake Phil's hand. Phil looked at me bewildered and says 'We have another phase to go mate'.


Suddenly Angarad is standing alone against a sea of Skellies and so far there is only one Glory in it.

Thankfully I am able to juice her to the gills with upgrades and I take the game at the final whistle 13 glory to 9!

Round two would see me take on Shaggy who was also fielding Liberators.

Game one was an absolute spanking thanks to Shaggy playing 'Rebound' on me. This saw me tabled in 4 activations!!

Never been destroyed like that before in Shadespire!!

On the other table Phil and Lee were going at it 'hammer and tongs'.

Round three saw me take on Lee's Orks

While Shaggy took on Phil.

Once again a mass brawl breaks out in the centre of our board.

Lee suffered a nightmare with his rolling.

When he did finally hit I rolled this . . . . . .

Knowing my deck Lee made a sprint into my half of the board in the last activation.

Despite this I still manage to take the game.

On the other table Shaggy is tabled by Phil.

Phil has threatened us with a 'Nightvault' warband next week bringing magic to the mix.

Thankfully I only have two miniatures to finish before I allow myself to open the Nightvault but more on that next post. . . . .

In other news the Scythe game last Thursday was an absolute 'blood and thunder' affair with 5 players in attendance.

Lano and I smashed each other into pieces trying to race to the Factory and then both faced a mad scramble for resources in the end game.

Thankfully when Lee laid his sixth star I just had the edge and won the game.

NEVER seen so many stars on the board for combat victories!!

Really am blessed to have so much good stuff going on at the moment :0)


  1. You are certainly making the most of Shadespire :)
    Scythe is a favourite of mine, glad to see there are more people enjoying it

    1. Scythe is a great game but the campaign expansion is certainly making it more replayable.


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