Saturday, 12 November 2016

The Sons of Ulric; Regiments of Renown

It was always going to happen really . . . . . .

After watching these videos and buying the rule books it was inevitable . . . . .

I was going to build a Regiment of Renown warband . . . . .

They are an amalgamation of these blokes . . . . .

from the 'Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire' and these . . . . . . .

Which is a book I picked up for pennies while buying one of the army books on eBay.

I have to pick a winter painting project as the early nights play havoc with my partial colour blindness. Last year in was these blokes . . . . 

This year because of this tutorial and something I have planned for next year I want to concentrate on making and painting terrain over the winter.

Forward you Sons of Ulric!


  1. They really feel like a little diorama or book cover - you definitely get the regiment feel from them, and they don't even have paint on them!

    I especially love how dynamic they feel. You can sense the movement in them.

    1. Thanks. I do really want to go to town on these fellas and see if I can push my painting and free hand forward. Fingers crossed!

  2. That's a great band already, they will look superb when painted.

    1. Thanks. The lipped bases allow me to add more movement to the figures.

      Hopefully I will be up to the task with the paints.

  3. Most impressive and beautiful job so far!

    1. Many thanks, hopefully I can do the figures justice when it comes to the paints.

  4. Look forward to seeing them all painted up and kicking some butt :-)

    1. Mate if your interested I might be organising a 'regiments of renown' tournament in Feb. It's simular to the event you showed on your blog. Win games = win beer!

  5. Interesting choice. I like the look of your minis so far. Do they rank up well all dynamic and so forth?

    1. THe Regiments of Renown rule set is a skirmish rule set of Warhammer 8th edition rules. Due to that reason I do not have to worry about ranking up. Hence the lipped bases!

      It made the kit bashing a LOT easier.


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