Inquisitor Pen Drago stared into the dawn mists enveloping the abandoned Tau base. His gaze was so intent, it was like he was trying to part the mists by force of will alone!
He could feel the indominitable will of the Marines arrayed to the left and right of him. Their pearlescent, blue, armour blending perfectly with the pre-dawn twilight.
ohhhhhhh .. . . . .Misty! |
Two young Scouts broke off from the main group and disappeared into the gloom of the surrounding forest. They were trying hard to mimic the stern indifference of their older kin but all their brethren could sense their nervousness!
Rumours persisted of a super weapon called 'The Angel' hidden under the
abandoned Tau base, which loomed out of the mist as they trudged ahead.
Pen Drago's mission was to investigate with a small team of Marines to keep the mission covert.
That had been the intent but upon exiting the Warp Gate, several other Shuttle, exhaust trails had been detected. To make matters worse, planet wide scans had shown that a Genestealer coven had infested the central tower! Was this coincidence or signs of a higher intelligence?
Drago had spent a life time travelling the galaxy, fighting all manner of Xenos, he no longer believed in coincidence.
Then the strangest of instances. Another Imperial shuttle had been detected on the dark side of the planet!
More investigators?
If so, were they to be trusted?
All these thoughts were hurled from his mind as warning Klaxons blared through the space vessel! The ships' crew instantly snapped to high alert as a Nurgle Marines', shuttle blasted out of the Warp Gate, careering towards the Planet surface at breakneck speed!
With his hand forced, Pen Drago Ordered the pilot to give chase! The race was on!