Thursday 15 October 2020

Blood in the Badlands. Game 6


I want to apologise for my lack of blogging and comments on the blogs I follow.

The re-opening of schools has opened a can of worms regarding the safeguarding of vulnerable school children.

I large part of my job now is as a Designated Safeguarding lead and my time at work is go, go, go from the second I walk in.

Anyway back to the fun stuff. . . . 

This game was a warm up game against Shaggy for the next season of the Badlands

Despite the presence of Beastmen this was a clash of WoC Vs WoC.

Turn one I surge forward

My Sorcerer surveys the forces arrayed before him and chuckles at the carnage he is about to cause.

A series of Fire balls, flaming breath and Lore of metal spells causes carnage in Shaggy's flank . . . . .

 . . . . . and the disappearance of his centre as everybody flees!

The remainder of his forces tries to push forward and we have a 'spawn off'

Shaggy desperately tries to re-form his lines as my Chaos Trolls advance!

I continue to mount pressure on Shaggy

My Warhounds surge forward to redirect the Nurgle Gore beast Chariot

At this stage I get over ambitious and hope to cause a run of melees along Shaggy's front line which will collapse his entire army . . . . . 

Unfortunately this fails to materialise and this give Shaggy an opportunity to reform his lines and counter attack.

This counter attack decimates my WoC and my centre collapses.

As part of my plan to collapse the Nurgle line I had charged Throgg off on his own. This meant he was unable to see off the Gorebeasts chariots!

Pretty sure this saw Shaggy take the nod at the end of Turn Six


  1. All the best with the DSL role, its vital, but so much work; you'll need the little soldiers to give you head space - Take care!


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