Monday, 30 May 2022

Riotville LIVE!! 2022 Photo dump. All day Warhammer Fantasy 8th event


So Riotville LIVE!! has come and gone and what a day!

Photos after the cut.

Saturday night and the car is packed

My 1800 points of Throgg and his throng.

11am and every table is full and the dice are rolling!!

The action was fast and furious all day.

I want to thank everyone who made the journey to make the day such a success and especially Mark (Knoffles) for his act of Kindness.

This community really can be the best.

Sunday night I also realised I need a terrain intervention!!


  1. Oh my goodness! What an amazing event, great looking venue.

    1. Thanks man. It was a fun day and worth all the hard work.


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