Monday 21 January 2019

Sir John Soane's Museum. Another London hidden treasure

So with it being 'blue Monday weekend' and the wife's birthday I needed to dig into my box of tricks and pull out another hidden London treasure.

This time I went for Sir John Soane's house in Holborn.

Sir John Soane was the son of a brick layer who worked his way up through the ranks to become a very sought after architect. He was the designer of the Bank of England and received a Knighthood in 1831.

His house which is now a museum is now described in the Oxford Dictionary of Architecture as "one of the most complex, intricate and ingenious series of interiors ever concieved"

Just a heads up all the following photos are stock photos off the internet as phones are not allowed inside.

So what starts out as a very ordinary facade (for Holborn)  . . . . .

Can you tell what it is yet

 . . . . . erupts into this!

Oh and there is the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Seti in the basement!!!!!!

And it's free!!

Fully recommended.