Tuesday 15 January 2019

Last stand in the Cursed city

So Sunday last Mike 2.0 and I met up at the Magic Madhouse to continue our Mordheim mini campaign.

With Mike 2.0 still smarting from his double defeat last week he was spoiling for revenge.

It would appear the dark gods heard his prayers when I rolled up 'street fight' on the scenario table.

So basically two warbands race down a narrow street towards each other with no room to manoeuvre. This can only go well. 😐

My warband race towards the first barricade and prepare to make their stand.

Poor old 'Futter' is sent out on point to allow me the counter charge.

Then the first of my kicks in the teeth.

'Spike' the new mutant armed with the bow the Possessed stole from Lord Crashart in the first game tries a shot at 'Guapo'.

"Only way to get that shot is to roll a six" I say.

Yep a series of outrageous rolls sees Spike hit, wound and dispatch Guapo with ease 😮

In a desperate attempt to stem the tide I charge out with the rest of my Melee troops.

Well, when I say all, my leader fails his fear check and decides to sit at the back directing traffic!

Then that little git Spike gets off another outrageous shot while my 'Marksmen' can't hit the side of a barn (on BS 5)!!!!!

This allows the rest of the Possessed to charge in!

And the bodies start to fall.

With only two members still standing I flee the field!

In the post game rolls three of my Warband are killed!

Including the hero of last week, Wesley.

The next game of the campaign will see my depleted warband desperately trying to defend a Wyrdstone find.

IF I can win this one I might have the funds to keep my warband on it's feet.

Outnumbered two to one and with toughness six Possessed running around my chances are slim to none!!

The possessed surge forward. . . . . .

 . . . . . and assault the walls!

But my Warband are no match for the Possessed.

This sees Mike romping home the winner of the campaign and the futile remains of my Warband becoming just another band disappearing without trace within the cursed city.

With time to spare Mike 2.0 and I set up for Shadespire.

The first game I stomp all over the Reavers.

The second game I have to hold my hands up and say I was a bit of a dick when I goaded Mike 2.0 into making a charge he did not need to make to give me 'denial' and therefore the game.

I got the win but it was not really in the spirit of the game.

Classing this one as one all and hopefully we can get in a decider soon.


  1. Awesome! Looks like it was a blast, crushing defeats notwithstanding. ;)

    1. It's the hanging on every dice roll. There is a real sense of jeopardy in every roll

  2. Definitely tons of fun. Bravo!

    1. I'm not sure if Mordheim is ever 'fun' but it's certainly an experience!

  3. Noice report. Your Mordheim board looks great to play on. The game seemed like a laugh too.

    1. Thanks man. The board had been built up over a number of years.
