Thursday 24 January 2019

Riotville 2019. 1500 point warm up game. Ogres Vs High Elves

With Riotville LIVE! 2019 fast approaching Lano and I decided we better start getting some games of WHF 8th edition in to try to remember how to play this game!!

With that in mind we met up at the Magic Madhouse after work last night.

Great to walk in and see the place so busy mid week!

It was also great to get the boys out again.

1500 points are deployed.

I win first turn so sprint forward into a hail of bow fire.

My flanking forces get to work!

My 'meatbus' continues to advance up the centre. Thankfully the Elven crossbows have been a little ineffective.

Then Lano pounces and bursts forward. This essentially nerfs all my charge bonuses and impact hits. He pulls the same trick on my Stone horn.

In order to get revenge I play my 'Hellheart' to force the miscasts.

In an outrageous roll of dice which sees Lano in tears with laughter and me wanting to tip the table the two biggest units go from this . . . . . .

to this . . . . . .

At least his wizard got it in the end.

My Gnobblers continue to goad the Elite Elven Sword Masters ;0)

Finally my Mournfangs get to work

My final hope in the centre is to have my Bruiser wreck the Sword masters via 'savage beast'. Lano declares 'Watch this!' and rolls double six on three dice.

There might of been some swearing by me at this point!

Thankfully my flanking forces are now free to continue their rampage.

In the centre my Slaughter has decided he has had enough and bolts for home.

Despite the Elves failing to chase down the Ogre leader the failed over run takes them JUST out of the Mournfang front arc!

Against my better judgement I decide to charge my rallied leader into a pursuing unit of Elven Swordmasters.

My hope is to cause a miscast and blow the sods to kingdom come.

NOPE . . . . not even when rolling 12 dice!!!

Thankfully my Stonehorn gets to continue its rampage while my Mounrfangs smash the Elven warmachines to splinters.

By turn six Lano took the win (just) but to be honest it was just good to play WHF 8th again.

It was interesting how many people approached us while we were playing to reminisce about armies they have or had.


  1. Nice one mate. So Lano's back with elves Dun Dun Dah!!

    1. Only if Macca turns up with his Vampires.

  2. Great game Riot, despite the loss, sounds like an interesting game :-) Cheers for posting, must admit I often miss 8th.
