Sunday 9 June 2019

Saturday night fights; Path to Glory, Monster hunt.

So once again this Saturday Lee, Shaggy and I continued down our Path to Glory.

Game one would be a 'Monster Hunt'.

The 3 Aspiring Champions muster their warbands on the plain.

Lee is the first to advance to within 6" of the cave entrance and wake the Giant from it's slumber.

Due to the half asleep state of the giant it scatters D6 each activation and will only use the 'strike with club' attack which gives us a chance to dodge out the way.

Lee goes in with his first marauder . . . . .

 . . . . who promptly fails it's initiative roll and is struck with 2D6 strength 6 hits!!!!!

 The rest of the Warbands make a more measured advance.

Nurgle and Slannesh clash within the shadow of the waking giant!

Lee's damn nipples do it again and the Nurgle Warrior stands transfixed!!

The slaughter causes several Nurgle warriors to flee.

My Khorne decide this is the perfect time to strike.

This causes the Nurgle warriors to continue fleeing.

Suddenly Shaggy's position looks a lot more precarious!

 Desperate to turn the tide Shaggy pitches in with his Aspiring Champion.

With the turns ticking down I charge into the Giant to fell it and earn the gaze of the dark gods.

While my Hounds hunt down any isolated elements.

My Khorne advance towards the other two decimated warbands.

With Nurgle desperate to wipe out Slannesh and earn the extra infamy I focus down on the Giant.

The Giant is surrounded and my followers desperately hack away at the giant!

But the Giant stands defiant!!

In a cruel twist of fate Lee's warlord is randomly selected for the Giant's next attack which Lee can only fail on a 6.

Yep rolled a  . . . . . . .

This allows Nurgle to mop up the last of the Nurgle warband for the extra infamy before electing to flee from my nearly fully strength Khornites.

My followers continue to hack at the Giant but the game ends (8 turns) before they can bring the Giant to it's knees.

This is a shame because whichever Warband fell the giant could attempt to recruit the Giant for the next game by passing a leadership roll by the leader.

Game two still to come . . . . .


  1. Oh, that big fella is certainly a hard nut to crack!

  2. Dayum! As usual, just some absolutely amazing models there Riot! That giant is just awesome 😀

    1. The giant is from Lee's collection. I beleve it is an old Marauder giant

  3. Excellent stuff looks like you had a great game. Prefer a Monster Hunt to a Darryl Hunt has to be said:-)

    1. Thanks man and theres nothing wrong with a Darryl Hunt ;0)
