Thursday 6 June 2019

Mordheim XX. Boar Hunt and Ambush

Sunday last Billy, Mike 2.0, Nigel and I met up again to contest the streets of Mordheim.

Game one would see me take on Billy's Witch hunters in the 'boar hunt' scenario.

My maxed out warband (20 figures) moves out to hunt some boar.

The boars random movement brings them my way.

The Boars are struck down and thankfully I manage to find the swallowed Wyrdstone in the first attempt.

Billy's hounds attempt to bring down the other boar.

The rest of the witch hunters arrive to help.

My Skaven start to surround the humans while making maximum use of cover.

This draws out the Witch hunters.

I pounce on the exposed and isolated Witch hunters!

Thankfully my superior numbers tell and the Witch hunters are dispatched.

With the Witch Hunters decimated and too spread out to offer mutual support to each other Billy elects to flee.

Over on the second table Nigel and Mike 2.0 were still gleefully ripping each other's faces off!

This would see both warbands fight tooth and claw until Mike 2.0 finally tipped the balance in his favour.

Bill and I were like vultures in the post game rolls hoping both of the other warbands would be decimated in the post game rolls  . . . . . Unfortunately not!

Second game of the session saw Mike 2.0 and his Godless possessed bunkered down in a building in the centre of the board.

His job is to get the wyrdstone he held off the board.

"You want some, come get some!"

As Nigel's Ghouls cross the threshold one of the Baron's 'experiments' bursts from the centre of the building!

Nigel continues his advance.

The possessed continue to make maximum use of cover.

The Witch Hunters continue their advance.

Nigel's Vampire leads the charge against the Possessed and bodies start to fall.

The floor of the temple is soon awash with blood.

This scenario allows for alliances during the game and Nigel and Billy agree an uneasy truce in order to take on Mike 2.0's nightmare of a warband.

Billy also charges into the Temple.

No mercy is asked or given during this titanic struggle.

Where are the Skaven during this epic battle . . . . . well their waiting outside giving everyone 'finger guns'.

Are you with us or against us we're asked. 'Yes' is our reply ;0)

More forces flood into the temple (except the Skaven of course).

The Trolls regeneration ability keeps it in the game despite the flurry of attacks against it.

At this point one of Billy's archers loosens an arrow off into the swirling melee and hits the allied Vampire right between the shoulder blades taking him out of action.

Nigel was not impressed!


My Skaven are ready to rush to the rescue of Billy and Nigel but unfortunately Mike 2.0 engages with my rescue team (finger guns).

Sorry boys your going to have to fight another round of combat without me ;0)

My Skaven swarm the Possessed sent out to intercept them.

My Skitterkin take pot shots through the arches.

Despite my superior numbers the Possessed are tough nuts to crack!!

Bodies fall and wrydstone is dropped inside the temple.

All the warbands except the Skaven are decimated (finger guns).

The Possessed continue to hold back the tide of Skaven.

It also turns out that the majority of the Possessed are fireproof as I fail to drop a single one despite getting off several fireballs!.

With finally felling the Beastman my Skaven swarm into the temple.

To find both of my allied warbands whittled down to a shadow of their former selves.

Both Bill and Nigel eye me suspiciously but I calm their nerves with double 'finger guns'

Then the final turn rolls around and I finally unleash my forces . . . . .


My Skaven rip though the weakened warbands.

Unfortunately I have left it too late and as the Wyrd stone is dropped by the dispatched humans, undead and possessed I do not have sufficient time to sweep it all up!!

This see's Billy crawl away the winner and the reputation of the Skaven firmly cemented with the other leaders as the down right dirty rats that they are ;0)


  1. Haha! Awesome write-up, glad to see the skaven up to their usual antics!

    1. They all admitted in the end that they wanted me to ;0)

    2. Many things are permissible provided you shout "die-die man-thing!" first. :D

    3. and give 'finger guns' ;0)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks very much. It was a great game.

  3. Replies
    1. We were all giggling by the end. It was a great game of little soldiers

  4. Smashing looking game Riot and fun to read, fancy the Skaven turning out sneaky ;-)

  5. Terrific game! I've enjoyed it all!!

  6. Replies
    1. Cheers. It was also really fun to play.

  7. the Troll was the MVP - soaked up about 15 attacks before he got taken down!

    1. It was a beast. Glad I didn't fight it ;0)
