Tuesday 18 June 2019

Saturday night fights: Path to Glory. Pitch battle and break through

After game one and the influx of 'infamy' I decided to go recruiting and rolled up another 5 warhounds!

This saw me take a 20 strong warband into game two of the night.

With Shaggy lined up across the board I decide to use the speed of my warband to form a strong left flank and try to boil through the isolated Nurglings before the rest of Shaggy's warband could turn up in support.

Best laid plans of mice and men and all that . . . . .

Shaggy rushes forward to stop my advance.

I try to mob stomp his leader!

Shaggy is rolling hot which means everything he touches dies but unfortunately it also means he is failing nearly every panic roll!

The die gods giverth and taketh away ;0)

He's only running the 11 inches!!

Every body RUN!!

Shaggy's leader runs for the hills.

This see's us add an additional rule regarding leaders to our fledgling rule set. In future the leader loses an 'infamy' and D3 surviving followers desert the warband!

I desperately try to mop up the fleeing followers of Nurgle.

But with only three surviving members I decide to throw in the towel!!

In the post game rolls I lose two followers due to lack of 'infamy'.

Not too bad considering I had 17 followers taken out of action!

The last game of the night saw me pick the 'breakthrough' scenario hoping I can use my speed to either break through or chase down the Nurglings as they run for the far table edge.

The table is set.

Having rolled to have to 'breakthrough' I race my hounds off through the gap to the left.

My hard hitters move into the centre to cover their break for the back table edge.

The rest of my warband move up in support.

Shaggy continues to have the 'touch of death' and rolls high, tearing through my screening forces!

My Herald falls to the impact hit of the ogre.

This allows the rest of the Nurgle forces to hunt down my fast moving hounds.

My leader steps in to fill the breach.

But my warband continue to fall.

With my warband decimated and my needing to get EVERY single surviving member of my warband off the board in order to win I decide to throw in the towel.

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