Sunday 23 June 2019

Another mixed bag of painting. Diminishing the grey shame

No 'Path to Glory' this week due to my volunteering to staff the Year 11 prom this Saturday last (carnage!).

But I did get to hit the brushes over the weekend.

Photos after the break.

First up this bunch of Witch Hunter henchmen / apprentices.

Not sure of the company (maybe Heresy) but just a quick and fast paint job.

Under coat of brown, some block colouring, ink washes and edge high lights.

Maybe 90 minutes from start to finish on Friday night.

Next up a Scibor Warrior priest.

Love it's dynamic pose.

Once again a quick and easy job.

Black undercoat, zenith spray of Leadbelcher, kept the colours to a minimum and Voila!

While I was painting the one above the fella below also got the same treatment.

Bit longer then 90 minutes to paint, but not much.

Finally the leader of the band.

This fella got painted separately but only because I had a nightmare sticking his arms on.

In the end I just replaced (his) right arm with one from the plastic GW Empire General kit.

Once again black primer, zenith spray of leadbelcher to do the majority of the painting.

I do love the character Scibor can sculpt into the faces of their miniatures. BRILLIANT!!

Painting tally for the year so far 103!


  1. Nothing like a good batch of painted models to feel good and rejuvenated, good work on those mate.

    1. Too true. It has really given my mojo the kick in the rear it needed.

  2. This look superb and well done for surviving the Prom - yikes!

    1. The Prom was something else :0/

      The scibor mini's really do paint up well.

  3. Well, you certrainly turned the grey shame into colourful pride. I love them!

    1. Thanks man. Well the good news is I have only bought 11 miniatures this year and sold on / painted over a hundred. The bad news is there still seems to be a lot of 'grey shame' on the shelves!

  4. Well they all look smashing Riot, make a great warband, good to see plenty of non GW miniatures too :-)

    1. We really are in a golden age of miniatures. We really are spoilt for choice.
