Monday 25 June 2018

Silver tower; The Trial of Hysh.

With the lad and I too drained from the heat to do anything physical and the wife putting us both on a 'tech ban' for the day we decided to go questing in the Silver Tower.

With the lad now being 8 I figured he was ready to play with the full rule set rather then the 'light' version I usually use when wargaming with him. . . . . He took to it like a duck to water!

We pass through the 'Ingress chamber' into the first passage. I am playing the Knight Questor and the Lad is the 'Warpriest' because he gets the 'dog'.

Quick as Flynn we get stuck in!

In the next chamber we have to watch our footing as any 'slip's' result in us taking a wound.

We take our first wounds but thankfully the 'Warpriest' has the ability to heal those.

Next we meet the 'Librarian'.

Even his high 'vigour' cannot save him from the fury of Sigmar!

Next is the 'narrow passage'. Neither of us can stack the dice so we both take another wound.

After the narrow passage we discover an 'abandoned nest' full of Grots!

Troy declares it's 'Hammer time' and charges in to gain the renown.

The next passage sees 'The way divide' and it's my turn to get stuck in.

Finally we turn over the last 'exploration card' to reveal the chamber of the 'Searing beams'.

I decide to use the beams like a 'laser gun' and turn it towards our opponents.

Troy charges in but is swarmed by Acolytes during the enemy phase!!

Thankfully Troy is up to the task and uses all the 'destiny dice' to keep swinging until all the Acolytes are vanquished!

With the room emptied we turn the beams onto the statue to reveal . . . . . . .  the Gaunt Summoner!!

I charge up but Troy slinks in to apply the 'coup de gras' and nick the renown and first of the amulet fragments!

I ended up with the following skills and treasures.

While Troy kept the following skills and treasures.

The lad is all fired up to play the next quest and even the wife was lurking round the table towards the end and asking questions so we might have another companion join our band on the next quest.

In other news Lee and Phil ripped each others faces off in a brutal game of WHF!

This turned into another real 'cut and thrust' affair.

Lee limped away the winner by the final throw of the dice!

I was supposed to be gaming as well but Macca had one too many beers while watching the England game earlier in the day and Lano was lost in the wilds of Bow trying to find the 'EXP Cantina'.

Had to smile when he turned up over an hour late ;0)

When Lano finally stumbled through the door we redeployed our armies for the upcoming season.

Lee White, Phil purple, Macca black, Lano green, Me blue
I think this next season is going to see me trying to turn the tide against Lano's Elves :0(

At least the weather will be nice ;0)


  1. Awesome! Silver Tower looks like it's great fun. Good stuff, man!

    1. It's a great little 'plug and play' game.
