Friday 22 June 2018


After a long hiatus I finally managed to make it down to the Creative Biscuit to meet with the rest of the lads.

Once again Tim had Scythe all set up as I walked in the door.

With everyone a salty veteran with the game now the action was fast and furious as we all pelted towards the centre.

I used the 'German' aggression to make a rapid expansion late in the game to try to take the win.

Lano managed to drop his sixth star just before me to end the game.

When the final points were tallied Lano had run away with it with 110 points, with me coming in second with 78 points and Tim bringing up the rear with 69 points.

Over on the other table Phil and Matt were throwing down with Warmachine.

Have to congratulate Phil for coming SECOND at the London Warmahordes open!

Lano also rolled in 4th!

Top result lads!


  1. Good to see you getting some games in Riot, how's the keep fit thing going? I've started running to shed weight but it bloody hurts :-)

    1. I am now cycling regularly to work so that's an hour cardio a day and I am really enjoying the kettlebell workouts. The Mussus has already given me the 9th degree about if I'm having an affair ;0)
