Tuesday 19 December 2017

Mortal Engines 2018

So this dropped last night . . . . .

Really enjoyed reading the books (including all the spin offs) and hope this is both in keeping with the books as well as being financially viable as I would love to see a series of these films.

Hopefully it will not end up like the John Carter movie.

Could do without another series of books I loved being dragged through the mud by Hollywood.


  1. I absolutely loved the ER Burrows Mars series and was very excited for the John Carter film. Think I was the only person in the cinema that thoroughly enjoyed seeing Carpenter and the Martian factions on the big screen!

    I know nothing of this new one, but the trailer looked really cool!

    1. I was so disappointed with the John Carter film and I wanted the critics to be so wrong on that one!
      I would be more hopeful for Peter Jackson with mortal engines but let's be honest the Hobbit films were shit!!!!
