Sunday 17 December 2017

4ground: A&D Hardware store kit, completed.

With all the family going loopy over 'Strictly come dancing' it was decided we would have a little gathering for the final last Saturday.

However with outfits like this no longer a feature I soon lost interest . . . . .

Knowing I would not get away with disappearing for the entire show or setting up a painting desk downstairs I slunk upstairs to grab one of these . . . .

By the time the end credits for 'Strictly' were rolling I was snapping the last of the roof tiles into place . . . Result!!

Black Scorpion, Foundry, Reaper.
Kit looks bang on for scale regardless which miniatures are placed next to it.

It also has internal detailing.

The bar is from a TT scenic set I bought but fits great here.

Probably could have got this finished quicker but every now and then I had to look up and say something generic like "Wow, look at her lines" or "They have really been on a journey" to feign interest (I really miss Ola!).

I break up Wednesday so could have a splurge of painted miniatures to show before the end of the year.


  1. Ugh... Never liked that program when I lived in the UK, do my best to stay away from anything like it since then.

    4Ground are expensive, but they make some bloody nice kits.

    1. Black Friday 4ground had 25% off RRP so suddenly I could excuse buying a couple of kits!
