Tuesday 23 July 2019

More painting; Farstriders and Gits.

I really have the bit between my teeth at the moment and am pounding out the miniatures.

So the first thing I did when the term ended was treat myself to a new painting light and man has it helped!!

More after the break.

So painting shed 2.0 is a big step up from painting shed 1.0 in January.

The first set of completed miniatures are The Farstriders.

One reason I wanted to finish these up is due to the upcoming release of Warcry where you can play as Stormcasts but only with Vanguard units.

It also means I got to finish off all the warbands from the Shadespire release.

It could be fun to see them running around either a Shadespire board or the All Points!

Next up I dived straight into a Warband from the Nightvault release of Underworlds.

It had to be the Zarbag's Gits!

First up the leader Zarbag himself.

This guy was a pleasure to paint. A wonderful sculpt.

Next up is Da Squig Herder.

This miniature took the paint exceptionally well. I was not looking forward to painting him at all but he painted up a dream.

Next up the three archers.

Then the Fanatic and the Netter.

Finally the two Squigs.

This one I absolutely love!

So that's 123 miniatures sold or painted so far this year.


  1. Replies
    1. I always suspected the stormcasts were a bit pervy ;0)

  2. Wow! That lamp is certainly playing its part, these look amazing!

    1. Thanks man it has really has really helped me change up through the gears!

  3. nice work mate and shed 2.0 looking good1

  4. Cracking stuff mate. These new Gobbo sculpts are fantastic. Your painting's gotten so much better of late too - loving it.

    1. Thanks man. Considering I only painted 6 miniatures it goes to prove that practice makes perfect (well at least better)!

  5. Ohhh, nice! Cool work on both warbands, they look ace. I particularly love those Gobbos!

    1. Cheers man. The Gobbo's had to be my first choice of the Underworlds warbands.

  6. Great stuff Riot! Just love how your colors always pop :) The upgraded paint shed looks brilliant - though you look to have the same problem I do, low ceilings.

    1. Thanks man. More than once I have cracked my head on the cross beam. Thankfully it does not seem to have effected my painting ;0)
