Monday 18 July 2016

Hello Dorkness my old friend, I've come to talk to you again

Well I have survived this term but goodness knows how!

I have been a teacher since 1997 and have never known tiredness like this.

How do you spend 12 hours a day at school in the last week of term!?!

I have spent the last three days sitting like a zombie on the sofa and have finally found the energy to drag myself up stairs to the desk top to blog a post.

Anyway here is a hobby post.

These are a squad of Warmachine Steelhead cavalry painted up by Lano for me.

I figured with the release of the Mark 3 Warmachine there will be a renewed interest in Warmachine within my gaming circles.

I have now not painted a miniature since the 21st of May and am slowly sorting out a painting list for this summer.

Miniatures painted / sold this year =73 (silver tower does not count)

Target 100

Miniatures bought 15 (silver tower does not count)
381 miniatures to go!
58 in the black this year.
I am going to try and hit the 100 miniatures before the end of the summer but time will tell.


  1. Sorry to hear that you've not been well, but the summer is hear and looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us all.

    1. All I have had in store for the first week off is sleeping.

  2. I think I agree with Michael, teaching must be an illness. What do you recon the cure might be? Oh... a glass of wine, cheers :-)

    1. or Lottery tickets . . . . . . buying lots and lots of lottery tickets!
