Thursday 22 July 2021

March to April painting and gaming update

 So here is a belated March to April update

More after the cut

First up Lizard men and I must say these were a absolute pleasure to paint

The frighening thing is these were mostly painted with contrast paints. Some of these paints are superb!

The skink below was 95% coloured primers and ink washes and was finished in under an hour!

I decided to up my brush game.

Really glad I did as they make life so much easier.

I then moved on to the Orruks.

These were painted in a more traditional way.

Found out one of my work colleges was into warhammer when I tried to order the school starter set for my school (I needed new clippers ;0). I introduced him to Underworlds.

He took to it like a duck to water and the Nomads havew a new member!!

I also got a game of SAGA in with Phil.

Phil and I also got in a cracking game of WHF 8th. He has brought his Skaven out of retirement'

Thankfully Phil managed to blow his screaming bell to pieces in the opening turns. 

Which then made them "RUN AWAY!!!!"

Despite this the game was a knife edged game.

Thankfully I managed to swing the game with the last throws of the dice when a last charge by my Sorcerer cut down the Skaven BSB!

Going to stop there as this post has already taken an hour. You forget how long these blog posts can take.

I post about 4 times a week on Insta and can be found as riotville28mm if your interesrted in more regular updates.

Stay safe.


  1. A lot of great stuff. Love the cold-blooded ones!

  2. Fantastic post mate! Lovely to see you're still working on hobby and getting to game too.

    Am appreciating the Contrast paints a bit more after getting the black one and was impressed with the result.

    No Instagram or Twitter, etc for me - just takes the fun out of the online aspect as it seems to be just a bunch of people posting pictures, but without nice writeups. Convenient, yes, but not my cup of tea really.

    1. Thanks man.

      Contrast black is one of my 'go to' paints now. love the stuff!

  3. Good to see you gaming Riot and some lovely painting, hope all is well fella.

    1. Thanks man. All is great at this end. Hope your keeping well?
