Sunday 4 April 2021

February and March update 2021. A real mixed bag

So here (finally) my first quarter update.

Feb and March mini's after the cut.

For some reason the photo's have uploaded in a completely random fashion but with a potential 100 photos I'm not going to sort them into any sort of order.

So first up (which should be last up) are the New Ravagers for Underworlds.

Here is my Chaos army as it currently stands.

A kitbashed assassin / undercover Sister for my Inq 28 warband for Shadow wars.

She is a combo of a Brother Vinnie mini and some GW bits.

Also been painting up Ork Storm Boyz as Rouge squadron / X wing pilots from Star wars.

More Ravagers . . . . . 

A blood bowl Ogre

LOVED painting this fella.

I also finally got round to getting together everything I had painted in a year of lockdown from 21st March 2020 to 21st March 2021.

I also jumped on the scale and found out I had also dropped 3 stone (42 pounds) over the year of lock down. I now weigh in at just over 15 stone (210 pounds).

The plan in now to get under 200 pounds by the end of the year.

Anyway back to the mini's.

Another Ravager. . . . .

The spell caster of the group.

Another two of the WARGGH squadron.

Another of the Underworlds warband. This time with a Slannesh twist.

An Empire halberdier

Now a BOYL miniature.

A 40K ork mek

A Chico Dorf

Some statues for scatter terrain.

Two foundry tigers painted up as the He Man cats.

An Ork burner Boy

An finally (who should of been first) a Rogue Trader era Imperial Guard Sergeant.

So all in all a productive first quarter of the year.


  1. Flippin heck mate, that's some impressive output! Very much like all of it too. Your painting has gotten so much better too.

    1. Thanks man.

      I figure with the amount of stuff done I should have shown at least some improvement

  2. Mixed bag indeed! But the outcome is consistently great, I love this. Congrats!

    1. Thanks man. the mix of stuff keeps the mojo high
