Tuesday 9 July 2019

Saturday Night fights: Path to glory. Tome of Magic

So the run up to the final week of term has been brutal.

It has seen me try to collate the course work of my year 11 SEN kids into some kind of narrative a moderator can actually understand.

As a consequence the gaming table looked like this until about 30 minutes before Shaggy and Lee turned up to play . . . . . . .

 Thankfully by 7.30pm I had the table set.

The denizens of Tzeentch defend an ancient tome of magic.

Whoever stands upon the focal point at the end has some choices;

Lee and Shaggy: destroy the book for D3 infamy OR read the book and become a level 1 wizard with the signature spell of their lore

Me: destroy the book for 2 D3 infamy.

Oh by the way the Tzeentch wizard has the 'fire of Tzeentch' spell and will auto cast it at the nearest aggressor. All the Tzeentch followers also have a 5+ ward save.

The warbands take to the field.

Immediately Shaggy pitches in with his hounds (badgers).

Lee takes a more measured approach.

Unfortunately this means when the Tzeentch activate one of his warhounds disappears in flames!

My Khorne attack and the battle field erupts into a kaleidoscope of colour!!

All three warbands surge towards the altar. . . . . .

 . . . . and despite their 5+ ward save the followers of Tzeentch start to fall.

Shaggy's forsaken is the first to ascend the altar and wrestle with the Wizard!

The rest of the warbands continue to struggle towards the altar.

More followers of Nurgle struggle with the Wizard.

With only three people (or one Monstrous infantry and one small based person) allowed on the altar Lee's followers have to wait their turn!

Desperate to have the Nurglings flee Lee attacks the forces of Nurgle surrounding the altar!

That's such a good idea I join in!

Finally the Nurgle Chaos Warrior falls to the Wizard and Lee's Aspiring Champion ascends the altar!

The 'blue on blue' violence continues.

Shaggy's warband is decimated but he is hanging on by his finger nails!

The Wizard is dispatched and the ragged remains of Shaggy's warband try to wrest the book of magic from Lee's hands!!

Lee sets up a road block to stop my forces in their tracks!

Desperate to seize the offending book of magic I attack the forces of Slannesh!

But the Trolls are just too tough to crack!

and it is at this point that I fail my break check and flee the battle field :0(

Shaggy makes a desperate attempt to claim either the book or extra infamy and charges a troll with his Aspiring Champion!

Unfortunately Shaggy also fails his break test at the start of his next activation and Lee remains defiant upon the altar!!

Lee decides to read the book and becomes a level 1 wizard.

In the post game rolls Lee also ascends to daemonhood and only has to win one more game to win the campaign!

Lee was really feeling the effects from a school residential trip so decided to duck out so Shaggy and I could play another game to try to close the gap.

It also meant I would have a chance to get he final scenario built!!

This left Shaggy and I to throw down.

I rolled up the 'sacred ground' scenario.

Both warbands surge towards the hill in the middle!

My forces take the high ground.

Shaggy crashes in and tries to dislodge me from the sacred ground.

But as bodies start to fall Shaggy's Aspiring Champion stays true to form and bolts for the back table edge!!!!!!!

My forces counter charge!

Thankfully I keep my head and play it smart.

I have been 'blessed' with 5 Blood letters for this game and use them to engage the Nurglings. They will leave after the game anyway so I do not have to worry about using infamy  in the post game rolls to save any of my followers.

This allows me to clear the field and the ragged remains of Shaggy's warband elect to flee the field!

In the post game rolls I also earn an 'eye of the gods' award and gain a 5+ ward save.

A cracking night of gaming and roll on the finals!!


  1. Great stuff Riot, full of blood and drama, glad to see you got your planning away in time :-)

    1. Moderation was sat this morning.

      Now just got to see out the rest of the term.

      COME ON!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow! Brilliant all around Riot! Always blown away by your models :)
