Monday 1 April 2019

Weekend Shadespire

Just a quick hit today.

Despite ALL the prep for Mother's day (two personalised calendars, 4 hand made cards, 2 bought cards, 4 hand made candles, tea and cakes, riverside breakfast and roast dinner!!) I still managed to fit in some Shadespire.

Here is the state of the kitchen Saturday morning.

Honestly officer we are making candles 😦😯

God, I am SO middle class now!!

Game one Lee and I go for a conventional set-up.

Lee goes for the Alpha strike straight out the gate!!

A swirling melee erupts in the centre of the board!

As dice are rolled and ploys are played only Angarad is left standing for the Stormcasts.

Lee charges her in but she is mob stomped by the surviving Reavers!

This sees me take the first game.

Round two sees Lee go for a off-set, set-up.

The opening turn saw both Lee and I playing various ploys and shenanigans to out position each other before the first dice is even rolled.

This had both of us in tears as a swathe of cards was played and if I've said it once I'll say it a thousand times, this is an exceptional game.

Truth was I need not have bothered as I missed with the charge anyway!!!!

So with three turns to go I have left Saek out on a limb and completely isolated . . . . .

 . . . . Not that I should of worried as thanks to some abysmal rolling by Lee and shenanigans by me Saek was still standing at the end of the Phase!!!!!

The Third phase see's Saek FINALLY dispatched.

Phase three sees it all kick off!

But Lee still can't hit for toffee.

The Reavers go 'The full Khorne'!

It looks like Lee could have the second game in the bag but a lucky draw of a power card sees me do JUST enough to get another hit in on Steelheart and push him out of threat range!

This see's me take the second game.

The tension during this game was palpable with EVERY roll mattering.

Have I mentioned how great I think this game is?

With Lee refusing to leave until he gets revenge we set up the final of three games ;0)

The turning point is when I forget an 'inspired' Steelheart has a swing attack. This sees him dispatch both my Red shirts in one foul swoop.

Now you see them (sort of)

Now you don't!!
I try to keep the momentum up but as I'm now outnumbered (and outgunned) it is a big ask.

This sees Lee clear the field and take the final game.


  1. Serious brownie points for the Mother's Day efforts and a just reward say I! :)

    1. After the way my wife spoilt me for my birthday I had to go all in ;0)

  2. Excellent read, I do believe you love this game don't you! I have a copy and must get a game in soon, you make it sound so good :-)

    1. I really do. The truth is the more you play this game the better it gets, especially when you start changing up the card decks and working on your shenanigans. Lee and I have two card decks we have worked on since last year and it's great to see both your and your opponents deck develop.

  3. Brilliant looking game! Can never get enough photos of those amazing figures :) *I will admit you had me terrified for a minute to where I had to quickly Google when Mother's Day was because I thought I missed it - thankfully it's not until next month here in the states!*

    1. Thanks for the compliment. The Shadespire sculpts are excellent. I come unstuck about mothers day when I lived in the Philippines as they celebrate the same date as the USA. Sorry for the scare ;0)
