Friday 16 March 2018

Shadespire at Magic Madhouse EXP

It was daylight when I set out on this trip!!

For a little while I had heard rumors of a gaming club in the vicinity of the Olympic stadium in Stratford.

Having to buy a new suit at Westfields after work I decided to kill two birds with one stone and see if I could also visit the 'Magic Madhouse' and get some painting supplies and gaming in after wards as it should only be a 10 minute walk away.

45 minutes later I was still roaming the wastelands of E20 trying to find the place!!!!!!

The address is Cantina Bar, 2nd Floor, 60 Dace Road, London E3 2NQ and best of luck!

When I did finally find the place this is what I found. . . . . .

The building / Bar itself is quite impressive and is situated right next to a canal so should be great for gaming in the summer.

It has the bar down stairs which is full of retro games consoles which you can hire.

When I asked about the 'gaming store' I was directed to the toilets . . . .

Which leads to some stairs . . .

which leads to a corridor . . . .

Things are looking promising. . . . .

and voilà . . . . a gaming store!!!

With gaming stuff . . . . .

Staff are super friendly and they offer discounted prices on nearly all their stock.

The place was empty when I got there but quickly filled up.

It turned out Thursdays is Pokémon and Shadespire night. Would I like to take part in their organized play tournament ?

Yes . . . . . . . Yes I would!

We ended up with four players including myself and we played a one round, round robin.

Game one

Game one was against John and his Reavers.

This was a tight game right till the end when John hit me with 'contained' and I lost 7 to 10.

Game two

Game two would see me take on a familiar face, Jack. Jack organized the Shadespire tournament I attended at HATE in January. He had also managed to come 5th at the Grand Clash so this was going to be a tough one!

Another cagey game but Jack's Stormcast took the win 11 to 8 through decimating my more fragile Skellies.

Game three

Game three would see me taking on Laura with her 'Chosen Axes' Fyreslayers.

COMPLETELY outplayed on this one and got walloped 14 to 5!!

So ended up losing three out of three but the good news is I got three games in.

Not sure how often I will make it to the 'Madhouse'. In theory it is closer then Darksphere and the prices are a little bit cheaper but this place is SO out the way. . . . Time will tell.

That said, if you can find the place it's worth a visit.


  1. 3 games is better than no games at all and instead of fixing a toilet or doing an oil change.

    1. That was what I was thinking during getting lost trying to find my way back to west fields after the games!! 😋

  2. Not been there yet but you have confirmed to me that its out of they way... I may have to see if its open during the day and have a look one day..

    1. Opens at 11am but pack your compass and walking boots!
