Tuesday 16 August 2016

Butter Bean . . . . . the Ogre

While kit bashing I stumbled across a pair of arms I could bash into what looked like a boxing pose.

I still needed to chop off the hands and replace them with ironfists but I am more then happy with the result.

"Eat this!"
Even before I stuck the head on I was thinking of this fella . . . . .

and Butter Bean the Ogre pit fighter champion was born!

One thing the photo above inspired me to do was try to paint the 'stars and stripes' onto the ogres trousers.

I am really pleased with the 'washed out' effect I achieved and it is certainly something I will attempt again the the future.

Miniatures painted / sold this year = 91 (silver tower does not count)

Target 100

Miniatures bought 30 (damn you BOYL!!)
378 miniatures to go!
61 in the black this year


  1. Brilliant, the idea and execution are just too good, the pose is just right and the pants are magnificent mate !

    1. Thank you so much.

      The stars just seemed to aligned with this fella and it all clicked.

  2. Seconds out! What a fabulous conversion, brilliant job Sir.

    1. So we are calling this one a 'Knock out' (pun intended)!
