Saturday 21 May 2016

Warhammer Quest 24 hour painting challenge. 16 hours in!

So Lano and I had the bright idea of seeing if we could paint all FIFTY miniatures contained in the new GW, Warhammer Quest, Silver Tower release in under 24 hours.

Here is the story so far. . . . . . .

15 down 35 to go!!

So a quick recap of the story so far. . . . . .

7pm Open box and start assembly. . . .

1:20 am and the  Tzaangors are finished . . .

and here is how the assembly line looks . . . . .

4am and we are here . . . . . .

8am this morning we looked like this . . . . . .

and poor Lano looked like this . . .  .

10am we are here . . . . . .

12 noon we are here with 7 hours to go!!!!

The good news is we only have 2 more miniatures to assemble and undercoat!!

The bad news is we still have 36 miniatures to go and I have only had 45 minutes sleep since 6am Friday morning and Lano our speed painter has only had 90 minutes kip!!!

The clock is ticking . . . . .


  1. A crazy project, but great effort! The first time I've seen these new miniatures and they look like good sculpts, especially that barbarian and the tzangor. Keep up the hard work...

    1. The only thing keeping us going right now is the quality of the sculpts!!

      THe Barbarian is lovely (?)!

  2. What a mad project. I would have gone for at least a week!

    1. we were tempted to do it over the half term but what the heck if you are going to fail . . . . fail spectacularly!

  3. Stop blogging and get it finished! Amazing project keep going Sir,

    1. I am only blooging as an excuse to stop painting.

      MY EYES ARE BLEEDING!!!!! ;0)

  4. Awesome but madness at the same time!

    1. Madder then a box of frogs . . . . but more fun to!

  5. You are both bonkers. In a good way.
