Saturday 31 October 2015

Last Orctober entry. By da skin of my teef!

Finished off my last entry for Orctober this morning. Off to a Haloween party now with the kids and then some trick or treating so thought I had better post this now before the sugar crash kicked in.

With the visit to Warhammer World I have tried to mimic more of the style I saw there.

Anyway here are the rest of the photos.

I have tried different levels of contrast on different parts of the model so it might look a bit strange.

Think the highlights are too stark on the back.

Still like the vibrant Goblin green rather then the darker style which is prominent now so my Orks and such will continue to be snot green.

Shaggy mentioned on the drive to Warhammer World that my painting style reminds him of the 'Mike McVey' era painting (which I take as a compliment as he is an exceptional painter) but I was not sure what he meant until I was running round the Exhibit halls like a mental 12 year old. The style of painting has definately moved on and I think I need to follow suit.

The miniature itself is a Goblin Forge effort. Never used them before or since but it's an interesting sculpt with tons of detail.

Miniatures painted / sold this year = 207


  1. Mate I love the job you have done here. Your paint style is great and gives your models a lot of character. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the FW models.

    1. mostly what I am doing with the FW models, is staring at them and thinking "Where the F*&K do I start with these!!!!!"

  2. Very good stuff, the gobbo is sculpted alot like the old Dragonrune minis (Which I love and one of these days will get a replacement force I lost as a youngling)

    1. Thanks for the heads up.

      I had so much fun with this one I have ordered one of their 'Horn blowing, Gobbo's'

  3. Your paints get better and better!

    1. Cheers mate. I think I need to start pushing things forward now.

  4. Fabulous entry, hope the trick or treating went well!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you very much, same can be said for that brilliant Zombie group shot on your blog!

      Trick or treating was a blast. Looks like fireworks tonight!

  5. Excellent stuff Riot love the contrasts, looks smashing.

    1. Thanks mate.

      I just wish I could knock them out as quick as you.
